Working towards agriculture of the future
- EIP-Agri in Germany
The brochure "Working towards agriculture of the future – EIP-Agri in Germany " summarizes the first funding period of the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-Agri) in Germany. With this program the EU supports cooperation between agricultural practice and research. In order to accelerate the transfer of innovation, agricultural practice and research are to be better interlinked within EIP-Agri. The aim is to jointly find solutions to practical problems in so-called operational groups. The bottom-up principle is applied here: in operational groups (OGs), partners from practice, consulting, companies, associations and science work together on problems in practical agriculture. Since the launch of EIP-Agri in 2014, more than 320 EIP projects have been implemented in Germany. These have dealt and continue to deal with current issues from numerous subject areas. The aim is to develop practical solutions and disseminate them widely. By networking, even across national borders, the players involved are able to think outside the box and meet each other at eye level. By continuous exchange between science and practice, project results will be available more quickly. At the same time, Europe will be strengthened as a knowledge location. In this way, a new culture of innovation can emerge for the agricultural sector. Participants from EIP projects and "innovation service providers" who support projects have their say in the brochure. Other contributions will shed light on how knowledge transfer works and how results can be made permanent. In addition, a look at the upcoming funding period and the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) is taken.
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