Präferenzen deutscher Zuckerrübenanbauer für die Gestaltung von Lieferverträgen nach dem Wegfall der Zuckerquote
This paper sets out to elicit the preferences of sugar beet farmers from Northern Germany for the design of future supply contracts with Nordzucker AG. The analysis is based on a Discrete Choice Experiment conducted in the spring of 2015 with 213 farmers organized in the Sugar Beet Growers Association Niedersachsen-Mitte e.V. The key results can be summarized as follows. Farmers’ willingness to sign a contract and continue sugar beet cultivation is primarily determined by expected producer prices. Less important, though not to be underestimated, are aspects of letting farmers have a share in high sugar proceeds of Nordzucker, dealing with undersupply of sugar beet, and the sharing of transport costs for sugar beet supplies above contractually agreed quantities. The option to carry supplies forward into the following year or to net out undersupply and oversupply in a given year appears more skillful than contract penalties for undersupply. Allowing farmers to take a share in high sugar proceeds and (partial) absorption of transport costs by the sugar company significantly raise farmers’ willingness to grow sugar beet. The survey results have clearly demonstrated that farmers judge sugar beet production by its profitability. There is no guarantee that current production levels will be maintained should producer prices decline significantly in the future.
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